Victory Leadership Blog

From Insight to Impact: Fusing Leadership Coaching with Therapy for Breakthrough Growth

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Why Military Leaders are An Asset to the Workforce

Why Military Leaders are An Asset to the Workforce

Why Military Leaders are An Asset to the WorkforceIn my seasoned journey from the disciplined ranks of the U.S. Army to the dynamic arenas of corporate leadership, I have observed a profound truth: military leaders bring a unique set...

2 minute read
Leadership Coaching to Create Champions

Leadership Coaching to Create Champions

Leadership Coaching to Create ChampionsFrom my days commanding units in the U.S. Army to guiding executives in the boardroom, one truth remains clear: champions aren’t born, they’re made. And nowhere is this truer than in the rea...

2 minute read
The Power of Difficult Conversations

The Power of Difficult Conversations

The Power of Difficult ConversationsIn the course of my military career, and now as a veteran leadership coach, I've learned that some of the most profound growth opportunities come from the most challenging moments. Among these are ...

2 minute read
The Difference Between a Manager and a Leader

The Difference Between a Manager and a Leader

The Crucial Difference Between a Manager and a Leader As a passionate Army veteran and a seasoned leader, I've had the privilege of experiencing first-hand the distinct roles that managers and leaders play in any successful organiza...

2 minute read
The Transformative Power of Servant Leadership on Workplace Mental Health

The Transformative Power of Servant Leadership on Workplace Mental Health

In today's fast-paced and often high-pressure work environments, mental health has become a pivotal aspect of the overall health and productivity of employees. Leaders play a crucial role in shaping the culture and mental well-being ...

2 minute read
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Success

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Success

In today's dynamic and interconnected business landscape, effective leadership goes beyond just having technical skills and industry knowledge. It requires a deep understanding of people, their motivations, and their emotions. This u...

4 minute read
The Importance of Effective Leadership in Today's Workplace

The Importance of Effective Leadership in Today's Workplace

In the ever-evolving workplace environment of today, the importance of effective guidance and influence cannot be emphasized enough. As the driving force behind Victory Leadership Coaching in Amana, I've had the privilege of witnessi...

4 minute read